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what's new?

30 March Travel Notes from a 2018 visit to Northern Laos by Donna Lum new article
20 February
Thailand textile collections and Thailand shops update following January 2015 visit to Chiang Mai
20 January
Photographic study of Karo Batak traditional architecure from March 1997 new study
31 October
Woven headcloths from SW China - Dong and Miao headcloths in the collection of Iain Stephens new gallery linking to slide shows of Dong and Miao headcloths
26 October
Yangweng village, Bajie township, Sandu county, Guizhou province, SW China 2005 small gallery of Miao festival clothing
23 February
Weaving in Luang Prabang, Laos article - article withdrawn by request of author in 2014
16 October
Textile travel notes from Eastern Flores and Lembata: Chris Buckley new article
08 August
Weaving Li Minority "Brocade": travel notes - Chris Buckley new article
17 July
Cambodia and Laos 2010: travel notes - Donna Lum new article
27 February
Vera Tobing collection new study
27 February
Batak references new reference list
30 April
Long Skirt Miao Wedding Ceremony new article
22 April
Exhibition of Filipino textiles from the collection of Myunghee & Peter Reimann new exhibition
22 April
Philippines country page updated
22 April
Philippines - articles and exhibitions new articles and exhibition listing
22 April
websites with a Philippines cultural focus new country-specific links page
24 February
Long Horned Miao new article
22 January
White Miao Dance Flower Festival new article
24 August
Aljamelah Inaul Weaving and Sewing Center - Mindanao new article
11 October
Thailand: travel diary October 2004 diary of trip
30 May
Ge Jia textiles: jackets new photogallery
30 December
South West China 2005 diary diary of trip
19 November
'Treasure hunt' in Thailand - Monique Derwig new article
07 August
Lao-Tai mosquito nets and curtains updated article
08 April
Cambodia country page new country gateway
29 March
Li textiles in Pamela's collection index page for Pamela's Li collection
29 March
Qi Li woman's blouse from Changjiang new photogallery (from Pamela's collection)
20 February
Bhutan bibliography new country bibliography
13 February
Ba-sa-dung Li textiles in the collection of Pamela A Cross index page of Ba-sa-dung Li textiles
13 February
Ba-sa-dung Li woman's skirt new photogallery (from Pamela's collection)
13 February
Ba-sa-dung Li woman's blouse new photogallery (from Pamela's collection)
12 January
Taiwan bibliography new country bibliography
05 January
Ge Jia textiles: baby carriers new photogallery
24 December
Ma Tang village, Kaili City, Guizhou province, China new photogallery
30 November
Flores, Indonesia: travel notes new article
21 October
China: textile related shops new list of textile-related shops
12 September
Iban (possibly Mualang) skirt comparison small photogallery
15 August
Ba-sa-dung Li Skirt new photogallery (from Pamela's collection)
12 July
Songtao Miao update of photogallery with additonal photos
04 July
Bangladesh biblography new country bibliography
04 July
South Asia bibliography new country bibliography
04 July
Nepal bibliography new country bibliography
04 July
India bibliography new country bibliography
04 July
Pakistan bibliography new country bibliography
04 July
Cambodia biblography new country bibliography
04 July
Singapore biblography new country bibliography
04 July
Malaysia bibliography new country bibliography
04 July
Indonesia bibliography new country bibliography
04 July
Bibliographies major revison and update
27 June
Philippines bibliography new country bibliography
17 May
Miao Fertility Festival new article
06 March
Kachin (Jingpho, Jinghphaw, Singpo) bags - Myanmar and north-east India new photogallery
16 February
A brief account of Northern Luzon highland textiles new article
14 February
Miao shaman's ceremony new article
03 February
Sandra Shamis' collection new photogallery of contributor's collection
19 January
Laos: textile related shops update and expansion listing
03 January
Gan He village, Ya Rong township, Huishui county, Guizhou province, China new photogallery
26 December
Khami, Khumi, Mru and Sunghtu, southern Chin groups - Bangladesh and Myanmar updated study to include Mru skirt from Bangladesh
08 December
Thailand: travel diary December 1988 diary of trip
07 December
Change and revival in traditional textile production: Mai Chau, Viet Nam new illustrated article
29 November
Thailand: textile collections textile collection information
29 November
Thailand - textile collections diary 2003 diary of trip
18 October
Miao Hinterland, Shanghai Tang exhibition exhibition of photos
07 July
www.tribaltextiles.info/community upgraded forum goes live
05 July
Khumi, Khami, Mro, Sunghtu -southern Chin groups new illustrated study
04 June
use of photos from the tribaltextiles.info site listing of photo use by external agencies
26 May
Li textiles: links web links listing
26 May
Ba-sa-dung Li, Hainan, China new photogallery
18 May
Flowery Hmong, Vietnam new photogallery
18 May
Hmong - Son La province, Vietnam  new photogallery
28 April
site contributors biographical notes on contributors
28 April
Hani (Akha) textiles, Menghai county, Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Yunna province, China from the collection of Rusty & Crista Hippchen new photogallery
28 April
Hani (Akha) references quotes from available literature
26 April
tribaltextiles.info forum archive forum archive created
19 April
Olivier's Li textiles small photogallery
19 April
Li textiles: references quotes from available literature
27 March
Dao Quan Trang, Vietnam new photogallery
22 March
Phula, Xa Pho sub group, Vietnam new photogallery
22 March
Red Hmong, Vietnam update
18 March
site map add site map
18 March
Songtao embroidery new photogallery
09 March
Black Thai (style) mosquito nets new illustrated study
02 March
Lake Inle - Intha on the water, Myanmar new photogallery
02 March
Lake Inle - Intha weaving, Myanmar new photogallery
21 February
China photogalleries in progress outline of future photogalleries
01 January
Songtao Miao, Songtao Miao Autonomous county, Guizhou province, China new photogallery
01 January
Pa'O - Lake Inle, Myanmar new photogallery
01 January
Pa'O - Kalaw Market, Myanmar new photogallery
01 January
Pa'O Clothing new study of tribal clothing
01 January
bibliographies new bibliographies section/page
19 November
China bibliography new country bibliography
19 November
links major update to links page
16 November
Thailand bibliography new country bibliography
19 October
textile related shops in Thailand update of list of textile-related shops
19 October
Palaung - Pein Ne Bin village, Myanmar new photogallery
19 October
Palaung - Kalaw Market, Myanmar new photogallery
19 October
Silver Palaung Clothing new study of tribal clothing
19 October
Vietnam bibliography new country bibliography
04 September
Myanmar (Burma) Bibliography new country bibliography
04 September
Myanmar (Burma) 1998 Diary diary of trip
04 August
textile related shops in Laos new list of textile-related shops
04 August
Lao textiles new photogallery
04 August
Laos bibliography new country bibliography
04 August
Laos new country information page
18 April
textile related shops in Thailand new list of textile-related shops
12 February
Gao Zhai village, Bai Jin township, Huishui county, Guizhou province, China new photogallery
05 February
Lou Jia Zhuang village, Anshun city, Guizhou province, China new photogallery
05 February
South West China 2001 Diary diary of trip
06 January
website and forum launched


Tribal textiles material below as it was published on pacross.net web site:

11 November
Nga Phe Kyaung monastery (with jumping cats) new photogallery
28 September
Southern White Thai weaving village, Vietnam updated photogallery
02 September
N W Vietnam 1995 Diary diary of trip
22 July
A-Hmao discussion on A-Hmao migration
22 July
pacross.net forum on minority textiles of S E Asia launched new forum on minority textiles
18 July
Black Hmong, Vietnam new photogallery
09 July
Black Thai, Vietnam new photogallery
05 April
South West China 2000 Diary diary of trip
22 February

Amarapura indigo dyers, Shan State, Myanmar

new photogallery
28 January
Chang Tion village, Cheng Guan township, Puding county, Guizhou province, China new photogallery
23 January
Dai Lo village, Shi Zi township, Ping Ba county, Guizhou province, China new photogallery
13 January
Shitou village, Huanggousu township, Zhen Nin county, Guizhou province, China new photogallery
08 January 
Bi Ke village, Min Gu township, Zhenfeng county, Guizhou province, China new photogallery
04 January
Stone Forest, Shilin, Stone Forest county, Yunnan province, China new photogallery
02 January
what's new this update page
01 January 
Sha Jiao village, Wan Teng township, Xingyi metropolitan area, Guizhou province, China new photogallery


30 December
Da Shu Jia village, Xin Zhou township, Longlin county, Guangxi province, China new photogallery
29 December
Long Dong village, De Wo township, Longlin county, Guangxi province, China new photogallery
29 December
De Wo market, De Wo township, Longlin county, Guangxi province, China new photogallery
29 December
Ma Wo village, Zhe Lang township, Longlin county, Guangxi province, China new photogallery
29 December
Pao Ma Cheng village, Teng Jiao township, Xingren county, Guizhou province, China new photogallery
29 December
Zuo Qi village, Min Gu township, Zhengfeng county, Guizhou province, China new photogallery
29 December
Xian Ma village, Hou Chang towship, Puding county, Guizhou province, China new photogallery
29 December
China new country page
03 September
Red Hmong, Vietnam new photogallery
09 July 
Black Hmong baby carriers, Vietnam  new photogallery
09 July 
Yao (Mien), Thailand new photogallery
05 July 
Karen, Thailand new photogallery
26 June 
U Lo-Akha, Thailand new photogallery
12 June 
Green (Blue) Hmong, Thailand new photogallery
04 June 
Padaung, Myanmar new photogallery
29 May 
Dao, Vietnam new photogallery
29 May 
Thai weaving village, Vietnam new photogallery
29 May 
web site launched
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Copyright © 2012 Pamela A Cross. The contents of this site, including all images and text, are for personal, educational, non-commercial use only and may not be reproduced in any form without the express permission of Pamela A Cross.
If you have any comments on the tribaltextiles.info website please send them to us. If you have any general tribal textile comments or questions go to the tribaltextiles.info/community forum to share your thoughts and questions with an international community of enthusiasts.
this page last updated 30 March, 2018