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Nga Phe Kyaung monastery

(near Ywama on Lake Inle, Shan State, Myanmar )

This is an attractive wooden monastery built on stilts over the lake at the end of the 1850s.  Aside from its collection of Buddhas the monastery may be of interest to visit because its monks have taught a few of the many cats living with them to jump through hoops.  It is for this reason - following a request for photos of the jumping cats - that this photo gallery has been assembled from a few photos of the monastery, monks and cats.

all text & images © Pamela A Cross

Click on thumbnail for full size images.  Click on large image to return here top

to Jpeg 42K Entrance to Nga Phe Kyaung monastery, Lake Inle, Shan State, Myanmar 9809Q23.JPG

To Jpeg 28K stature of Buddha at Nga Phe Kyaung monastery, Lake Inle, Shan State, Myanmar 9809Q13.JPG

To Jpeg 41K cat at Nga Phe Kyaung monastery, Lake Inle, Shan State, Myanmar 9809Q11.JPG

to Jpeg 26K Monks eating with their cats at Nga Phe Kyaung monastery, Lake Inle, Shan State, Myanmar 9809Q22.JPG

To Jpeg 35K One of the cats at Nga Phe Kyaung monastery, Lake Inle, Shan State, Myanmar 9809Q12.JPG

to Jpeg 37K A cat jumping through a hoop for one of the monks at Nga Phe Kyaung monastery, Lake Inle, Shan State, Myanmar 9809Q15.JPG

To Jpeg 49K A cat jumping through a hoop for one of the monks at Nga Phe Kyaung monastery, Lake Inle, Shan State, Myanmar 9809Q16.JPG

to Jpeg 39K A cat jumping through a hoop for one of the monks at Nga Phe Kyaung monastery, Lake Inle, Shan State, Myanmar 9809Q18.JPG

to Jpeg 26K A cat jumping through a hoop for one of the monks at Nga Phe Kyaung monastery, Lake Inle, Shan State, Myanmar 9809Q19.JPG

To Jpeg 23K A monk with one of his jumping cats at Nga Phe Kyaung monastery, Lake Inle, Shan State, Myanmar 9809Q14A.jpg

Click on thumbnail to go to enlargement - click on enlargement to return to photogallery
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this page last updated 2 January, 2004