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Olivier's Li textiles

(Li textiles from Hainan Island, south China from the collection of Olivier Tallec)

I collected my first Li textile - an intricately woven tiny tube skirt - in October 2001 never having previously been aware of the Li and their textiles. I was fascinated and in awe of the very complex weaving skills involved.  In early October 2002 Olivier Tallec posed his question on the tribaltextiles.info forum seeking information on Li textiles and I posted some details of a couple of the books now quoted in 'Li references'. Later that month I added two more Li textiles to my own collection (a woman's blouse which is from the same Li sub-group as my first tube skirt - probably Ba-sa-dung Li) and a long tube skirt from another Li sub-group (possibly Meifu Li).  In April 2003 I found some excellent photos at the http://www.ethnoecho.com/ethnic/clothings/liset.html web site of a tube skirt and blouse similar to my first Ba-sa-dung Li skirt and later blouse.  This prompted me to post the ethnoecho.com link to the forum and to contact Olivier who then emailed me saying that he had a similar jacket and skirt (see detail from the jacket as the last photo below).  He said that he also had further, different Li textiles and emailed me with the photos below of textiles from what appear to be two further and different Li sub-groups.  I believe these to be:- Meifu Li - the long tube skirt and Qi Li - the tube skirt with the very interesting figurative embroidery. If you have further information on Li textiles or do not agree with my tentative identification please post your comments on the forum.

images © Olivier Tallec

Click on thumbnail to go to enlargement - click on enlargement to return to photogallery
go to Li textiles: references and Li textiles: links
go to Olivier's Li question on the forum
to 60K Jpeg long Li tube skirt Li_03ae.
to 64K Jpeg long Li tube skirt Li_03be.
59K Jpeg Li tube skirt - possibly Li: Qi sub-group. The large (probably embroidered) figures are somewhat similar to motifs on a blouse shown in Stübel 1937: fig 236 (see Li references)  LI-01ae
to 60K Jpeg detail of motif on Li tube skirt - possibly Li: Qi sub-group. The large (probably embroidered) figures are somewhat similar to motifs on a blouse shown in Stübel 1937: fig 236 (see Li references)  detail01e
to 58K Jpeg Li tube skirt - possibly Li: Qi sub-group. The large (probably embroidered) figures are somewhat similar to motifs on a blouse shown in Stübel 1937: fig 236 (see Li references)  LI-01be
to 51K Jpeg Embroidered detail from a woman's jacket which is probably Ba-sa-dung Li. See Li references
go to Li textiles: references and Li textiles: links
Click on thumbnail to go to enlargement - click on enlargement to return to photogallery
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Copyright © 2012 Pamela A Cross. The contents of this site, including all images and text, are for personal, educational, non-commercial use only and may not be reproduced in any form without the express permission of Pamela A Cross.
If you have any comments on the tribaltextiles.info website please send them to us. If you have any general tribal textile comments or questions go to the tribaltextiles.info/community forum to share your thoughts and questions with an international community of enthusiasts.
this page last updated 2 January, 2004