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Hani (Akha) textiles

(Hani also known as Aini, Hanhi, Za Nyi, Akha textiles from Menghai county, Yunnan Province, southwest China.  See Hani (Akha) references.)

Rusty and Crista Hippchen visited Laos and China in February 2003. This collection of Hani textiles was bought direct from Hani traders in Menghai county, Xishuangbanna Prefecture - the southernmost prefecture in Yunnan Province, southwest China. Most of the clothing items were being worn at the time of purchase and so represent current Hani (Akha) clothing fashions in the area. 

all images © Rusty & Crista Hippchen

Click on thumbnail to go to enlargement - click on enlargement to return to photogallery
to Back of Hani woman's jacket, Menghai county, Yunnan province
to 47K Jpeg Detail of embroidered back panel of a Hani woman's jacket, Menghai county, Yunnan province
to 42K Jpeg Front view of a Hani woman's jacket, Menghai  county, Yunnan province
to 43K Jpeg Hani embroidered and trimmed bag, Menghai  county, Yunnan province, southwest China
to 41K Jpeg  Hani embroidered and trimmed bag, Menghai  county, Yunnan province, southwest China
to 41K Jpeg  Hani embroidered and trimmed bag, Menghai  county, Yunnan province, southwest China
to 40K Jpeg  Hani embroidered and trimmed bag, Menghai  county, Yunnan province, southwest China
to 43K Jpeg  Hani embroidered and trimmed bag, Menghai  county, Yunnan province, southwest China
to 44K Jpeg  Hani embroidered and trimmed bag, Menghai  county, Yunnan province, southwest China
to 44K Jpeg  Hani embroidered and trimmed bag, Menghai county, Yunnan province, southwest China
to 54K Jpeg Hani child's hat, Menghai  county, Yunnan province
to 42K Jpeg Hani child's hat, Menghai county, Yunnan province
to 44K Jpeg Hani woman's belt, Menghai county, Yunnan province, southwest China
to 43K Jpeg Hani woman's belt, Menghai  county, Yunnan province, southwest China
24K Jpeg Hani woman's belt, Menghai  county, Yunnan province, southwest China
44K Jpeg Hani woman's belt, Menghai  county, Yunnan province, southwest Chinato
to 45K Jpeg Hani woman's belt, Menghai  county, Yunnan province, southwest China
to 42K Jpeg Hani woman's leggings, Menghai county, Yunnan province, southwest China
to 40K Jpeg Hani woman's leggings, Menghai county, Yunnan province, southwest China
to 40K Jpeg Hani woman's leggings, Menghai county, Yunnan province, southwest China
Rusty and Crista Hippchen have agreed to share these photos for personal, educational and non-commercial use only and they may not be reproduced in any form without their express permission.  Contact them at brownslake@att.net
for U-Lo Akha in Thailand
for Hani (Akha) references
Click on thumbnail to go to enlargement - click on enlargement to return to photogallery
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Copyright © 2012 Pamela A Cross. The contents of this site, including all images and text, are for personal, educational, non-commercial use only and may not be reproduced in any form without the express permission of Pamela A Cross.
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this page last updated 20 March, 2007