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(Akha also known as Kaw, Ekaw.  In Laos they are often called Kha Kaw.  In China and Vietnam they are included in the group referred to as Hani (which may derive from 'Za Nyi' which they call themselves.)

The Akha originated in Yunnan where the majority of the group still live.  They have been migrating over several centuries southward.  In the middle of the 19th Century considerable numbers moved into Kentung State in Myanmar.  Others moved into Laos and Vietnam.  It is thought that the Akha in Thailand came from Myanmar. Most of the Akha in Thailand today live in Chiang Rai Province.  Almost all of the photos were taken in a village in the hills around Chiang Rai in northern Thailand except for one taken on the banks of the Mae Kok River above Chiang Rai. See Hani (Akha) references.

all text & images © Pamela A Cross

Click on thumbnail for full size images.  Click on large image to return here top

to Jpeg 38K U Lo-Akha man playing a musical gourd and bamboo pipes for young boys to sing a welcome at the entrance to a village in the hills around Chiang Rai 8812p12.jpg

to Jpeg 39K U Lo-Akha boys on the swing at the entrance to a village in the hills around Chiang Rai 8812p34.jpg

to Jpeg 38K U Lo-Akha boys on the village swing at the entrance to a village in the hills above Chiang Rai 8812p36.jpg

to Jpeg 32K Click on the image to return to 'textiles' thumbnails 8812p13.jpg
to Jpeg 39K U Lo-Akha boys on the swing at the entrance to a village in the hills around Chiang Rai 8812p35.jpg to Jpeg 47K U Lo-Akha boys at the gate to a village up in the hills around Chiang Rai 8812p11.jpg

to Jpeg 55K U Lo-Akha houses in a village in the hills around Chiang Rai in Northern Thailand 8812p14.jpg

to Jpeg 36K U Lo-Akha house showing basket on the verandah in a village in the hills around Chiang Rai 8812p18.jpg

to Jpeg 40K U Lo-Akha house on stilts in a village in the hills around Chiang Rai 8812p17.jpg


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to Jped 37K U Lo-Akha woman sell women's headdresses to tourists 8812p22.jpg

to Jpeg 35K Old U Lo-Akha woman smoking a pipe in a village in the hills around Chiang Rai 8812p30.jpg

to Jpeg 36K U Lo-Akha women and children by their stalls in a village in hills around Chiang Rai 8812p28.jpg

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to Jpeg 37K U Lo-Akha in a village in the hills around Chiang Rai 8812p25.jpg

to Jpeg 34K Looking down the valleys from the verandah of a U Lo-Akha house in a village in the hills around Chiang Rai 8812p21.jpg

to Jpeg 39K Looking down from the edge of a U Lo-Akha village down onto a Mien (Yao) village below in the hills around Chiang Rai 8812q01.jpg

Click on thumbnail to go to enlargement - click on enlargement to return to photogallery
for Hani (Akha) references
for more Akha in Thailand see the Jane R. Hanks Collection of Southeast Asian Textiles

for Hani (Akha) textiles in China from the collection of Rusty and Cristas Hippchen

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this page last updated 2 January, 2004