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Bangladesh bibliography

Listed below are details of a few books (from my own collection) which feature the textiles of Bangladesh. Some books are solely devoted to a particular aspect of culture, including textiles, whilst others include a few pages of information within a wider study.

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"Mru: Hill People on the Border of Bangladesh" by Claus-Dieter Brauns and Lorenz G. Loffler. English translation published by Birkhauser in 1990 of original 1986 German publication. ISBN 3-8176-1816-3. Superb photos and informative text on the culture of the Mru based on the authors living for several months with the Mru. Includes photos of textiles being worn and made.
"The Mrus: Peaceful Hillfolk of Bangladesh" by Claus-Dieter Brauns in the National Geographic Magazine issue of February 1973, Vol 143, No 1. Mainly pictorial record of the Mru. Taster for the book by Claus Dieter Bruans and Lorenz G. Loffler listed above.
"The Chittagong Hill Tracts: Living in a Borderland" by Willem van Schendel, Wolfgang Mey & Aditya Kumar Dewan published by White Lotus in 2000 ISBN 974-8434-98-2 Examines the borderland between the three countries - Burma, India & Bangladesh - inhabited by 12 distinct ethnic groups with strong cultural and linguistic links with Southeast Asia. Black and white old photographs and colour recent showing area and people and including some costume.
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this page last updated 24 October, 2004