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Nepal bibliography

Listed below are details of a few books (from my own collection) which feature the textiles of Nepal. Some books are solely devoted to a particular aspect of culture, including textiles, whilst others include a few pages of information within a wider study.
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also see south Asia bibliography and individual bibliographies for Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan as well as Burma

"Weaving in Nepal: Dhaka-Topi cloth" by Susi Dunsmore published by British Museum Publications in association with Land Resources Development Centre in 1983 ISBN 0-7141-1571-1. An exhibition at the Museum of Mankind 'Himalayan Rainbow, a Nepalese textile tradition' was produced using the items in this booklet which are now part of the British Museum's collection. Detailed description of weaving techniques accompanied by photographs. Text rather difficult to read as it is reproduced as if handwritten.
"Nepalese Textiles" by Susi Dunsmore published by British Museum Press in 1993 ISBN 0-7141-2510-5 The book with 100 colour and 80 black & white plates illustrates looms and spindles of all types, describes the subtle natural dyes, and surveys the raw materials used. While some of the techniques recorded may vanish with fresh influences upon Nepal, new traditions are already developing and the book shows the impact which a wider range of colours and yarns, including silk and fibres of the Himalayan Giant Nettle, has made among some weavers as recently as 1993.

also see south Asia bibliography and individual bibliographies for Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan as well as Burma

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this page last updated 4 July, 2004