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China photogalleries - in progress |
Below are indications of photogalleries from trips to southwest China in October/November 2001 and May 2005 which are still very much 'work in progress'. These tours were undertaken with Gina Corrigan in the south and south east of Guizhou province and into Guangxi province. (See diaries of 2001 and 2005 travels). Gina's tours were organised through Steppes East.
GUIZHOU: Congjiang county | Danzhai county | Duyun city | Kaili city | Liping county | Luodian (Longping) county | Pintang county | Rongjiang county | Sandu county | Taijiang county
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 17 May in the newly opened up Dong village of Yin Tang, Gu Ping township, Congjiang county, Guizhou province. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 17 May in the Miao village of Ba Sha, Cheng Guan township, Congjiang county, Guizhou province. The village is also referred to as Baisha. There are two Miao villages on either side of the road. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 18 May showing the Miao villagers of San Gang village, Gu Ping township, Congjiang county, Guizhou province dressing in their festival costume and perfoming music and dancing. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 13 May 2005 in Shi Qiao village, Xingren township, Danzhai county, Guizhou province. We visited a paper-making workshop and also saw a man making the bamboo screens used in making the paper. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 3 November 2001 at Wong Jian village, Ji Chang township, Duyun city, Guizhou province. The village is a Shui village where Miao also lived. It is 80km (two and a half hours driving time) south of Duyun. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 3 November 2001 at Ma Guang village, Ji Chang township, Duyun city, Guizhou province. The village is a Miao village and 80km (two and a half hours driving time) south of Duyun. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 10 May 2005 in Ge Jia village of Matang, Kaili city, Guizhou province. Under construction. Also see a gallery of photos taken on 5 November 2001 during a visit to Matang village. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 5 November 2001 at Shi Qing village, Zhou Xi township, Guizhou province 21km to the west of Kaili. The village is Miao, known as Zhou Xi Miao. They are around 25,000 in number and are the majority in the Kaili area. They are also sometimes known as 'small horn Miao' because of the silver festival headdress of the girls. They are also famous for their silk felt. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 11 May 2005 in Miao village of Shi Qing, Ya Fang township of Kaili city, Guizou province. This was the same village as visited in 2001 when the township given was different - Zhou Xi. These Miao have been nicknamed 'small horn Miao' based on the festival headdresses of the girls. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 19 May showing in the Dong ecotourism village of Tang An village, Zhaoxing township, Liping county, Guizhou province. The village is funded by the Norweigians and the Chinese government who are trying to develop the village and tourism without destroying the character of the village. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 19 May in the large Dong village/town of Zhaoxing, Liping county, Guizhou province. It has 1,000 households. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 29 October 2001 in La Lai village, Limu township, Luodian county, Guizhou province. This is a Qing Miao (or Bouyei/Miao as there has been much intermarriage and the costume is very mixed). all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 30 October 2001 in Bai Jia Po village, Feng Ting township, Luodian county, Guizhou province. This is a Miao village. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 31 October 2001 in Kong Wang village, Su Chang township, Pintang county, Guizhou province. This is a Red Miao village. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 1 November 2001 at Xin Tang market in Xin Tang township, Pintang county, Guizhou province. This township is Miao. This Miao group is associated with a bird name. I have seen literature referring to 'Magpie Miao'. Our guide on the visit said 'Crow Miao' but the festival headdress is made of pheasant feathers! The township is about 80km to the west of Pintang. This photogallery shows this group of Miao wearing their everyday costume. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 1 November 2001 at Bai Zhan village, Xin Tang township, Pintang county, Guizhou province. The township is about 80km to the west of Pintang. The village is Miao and the group is associated with a bird's name. I have seen literature referring to 'Magpie Miao'. Our guide on the visit said 'Crow Miao' but the festival headdress is made of pheasant feathers! This photogallery shows this group of Miao wearing their festival costume. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 15 May in Miao village of Wu Jia Zhai, Gu Zhou township, Rongjiang county, Guizhou province. Our local guide called this group as 'Black Miao' but they are often referred to as 'Short skirt Miao'. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 15 May in the Dong village of San Bao, Che Jiang township, Rongjiang county, Guizhou province. This is a large Dong village of more than 2,000 households and 10,000 people. It has the tallest Dong drum tower. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 16 May in the Dong village of Da Li, Zai Ma township, Rongjiang county, Guizhou province. A new road has been constructed to the village. It has five covered bridges with the oldest being from the Qing dynasty. The bridges are known as 'flower bridges' as they fan out like a flower. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 13 May 2005 in Ban Miao (meaning 'near Miao') village, Zhong He township, Sandu county, Guizhou province. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 13 May 2005 at Zhong He township market, Sandu county, Guizhou province. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 14 May 2005 at Yangweng village, Bajie township, Sandu county, Guizhou province. There is a Shui village of Yangweng - which we visited. Higher up the mountain is a Miao village also named Yangweng. We did not visit this village but a group of Miao - known as Hundred Bird Miao from the embroidered birds on their festival costume - came down to perform for us and sell some of their textiles. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
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Photogallery in progress A gallery of photos taken on 12 May 2005 in the Miao village of Da Zhai, Taipan township, Taijiang county, Guizhou province. The village had only just been opened up to tourists. There were a very large number of villagers of all ages who performed dance and music. all text and images © Pamela A Cross top |
GUIZHOU: Congjiang county | Danzhai county | Duyun city | Kaili city | Liping county | Luodian (Longping) county | Pintang county | Rongjiang county | Sandu county | Taijiang county
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21 May, 2014