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Cambodia and Laos 2010: travel notes - Donna Lum

all text & images supplied by Donna Lum
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On the grounds of one of the wats In Luang Prabang, Laos, we bought cold drinks from a woman manning a small stall. Excitingly, she was couching golden threads on a small piece of cloth! It was nice to see people still doing this in a serene open atmosphere and not in a sweatshop. She didn’t speak any English so unfortunately I don’t know if this was an item to be sold later or for her own use. I did compensate her for taking photos!

On the grounds of one of the wats In Luang Prabang, Laos, we bought cold drinks from a woman manning a small stall.  Excitingly, she was couching golden threads on a small piece of cloth! It was nice to see people still doing this in a serene open atmosphere and not in a sweatshop.  She didn’t speak any English so unfortunately  I don’t know if this was an item to be sold later or for her own use.  I did compensate her for taking photos!

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this page last updated 17 July, 2010