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Miao fertility festival

all text & images © Tony Chen Hualong
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Jpeg 53K e23e 29 February 2004, the fourth day of the fertility festival. The villagers started to dance to lusheng and bronze drum and a magical tree was planted in the centre of the ground. Men and women in festival dress danced together, the girls wearing plenty of silver. All the girls who had married into other villages or places also came back for the dancing. Everyone from the village joined in the dancing, whether rich or poor, male or female, young or old.
29 February 2004, the fourth day of the fertility festival. The villagers started to dance to lusheng and bronze drum and a magical tree was planted in the centre of the ground. Men and women in festival dress danced together, the girls wearing plenty of silver. All the girls who had married into other villages or places also came back for the dancing. Everyone from the village joined in the dancing, whether rich or poor, male or female, young or old.
click on image to return to Miao fertility festival article
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this page last updated 23 April, 2004