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Ge Jia textiles: baby carriers

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image © Andrew Dudley
Jpeg 85K Gejia_Community/Ge-Jia-batik-carrier-20.3e detail of a wax resist baby carrier in the collection of Andrew Dudley
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A detail illustrating the very fine work of a batik baby carrier from Huang county, Guizhou province, in the collection of Andrew Dudley which includes three types of bird across the top of the carrier and two bats in the outer triangles. It was purchased in 2003 in Kaili and is probably mid 20th century. This piece was posted by Andrew in response to an enquiry about motifs in Ge Jia wax resist. As Andrew commented, "people seem to resort to traditional Han patterns to explain minority patterns of uncertain design, meaning and origin. Thus, unidentifiable winged creatures are often explained away as bats (in Chinese, bat is bian fu and fu means rich, wealthy and abundant, so the bat has become an auspicious symbol)". "Some Ge Jia women/family groups say categorically there are no bats in their pattern repertoire, only different types of birds varying in their levels of abstraction, whilst others say there are not only birds and bats, but also frogs, snails, butterflies etc. and other, long forgotten types of animals. I tend to go along with the idea there are more than just birds represented in Ge Jia batik."
image © Andrew Dudley
to Jpeg 80K Ge Jia batik baby carrier in the collection of Andrew Dudley 
 The complete batik baby carrier in Andrew's collection
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To access the Ge Jia threads from which this photogallery and associated material has been created go to the forum and click 'Search' - one of the top right hand buttons on the screen - and input 'Ge Jia'

for further photogalleries of Ge Jia textiles see Ge Jia textiles: jackets and Ma Tang village, Kaili city

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this page last updated 21 May, 2006